First time trying out the rotary chuck on the roly 20 watt

First run on a tumbler 20 oz. I did the test on another, this was the best setting. I can still see tiny marks. Should I have made a second run, or change direction of the laser?


What are you using for an interval and split size?


I see .072 as the Interval. I do not see a split size, do not know what drop down it is on.

Split size in is the rotary gui… I think you get better results with the split size being a multiple of the interval…

This is the notes window…


this is all I have for my rotary setup.

I’m sorry, for some reason I thought you were using a galvo machine. Those are the only ones that have a split size… I apologize.

I’ve never run my rotary on any of my grbl machines… so I’m not going to be of much help here…


Thanks for trying! :grin: :grin:

Hang in there… there are plenty of people with great knowledge on these to help you out.

Good luck
