Bonjour, sur un OLM3 j’ai eu une série de problèmes (logiciels et mécaniques) que j’ai essayé de solutionner en changeant la carte mère pour repartir d’une base neuve. J’ai souhaité mettre à jour le firmware et depuis la led clignote rouge et vert en alternance, en outre le laser se déplace sur l’axe X mais plus du tout sur l’axe Y. Je me demande si le moteur de l’axe Y n’a pas subi un dommage irréversible.
Hello, on an OLM3 I had a series of problems (software and mechanical) that I tried to solve by changing the motherboard to start from a new base. I wanted to update the firmware and since then the LED has been flashing red and green alternately, and the laser moves on the X axis but not at all on the Y axis. I wonder if the Y axis motor has suffered irreversible damage.
Here is a link to download a small movie showing the defaults. Blinking blue red and green, bad calibration of the laser zone.
I could not view the video, but blinking lights would mean nothing to me. I have no experience with your model laser, so I will let someone else join in to help.
Check if you have a switch to rotary on/off.
Also recheck if all plugs are well seat.
Other things to try: Check and Insert SD card
If the problem persists try switching motor cables at motherboard plugs to see if the problem moves to the other ax.
Additional info:
Thanks a lot for your help. If I keep my working area in a 400x400, it works, whereas I have a 400x800 extension kit correctly set in the settings. If I ask the laser to work on a 400x800, alarm 2 appears after a couple of minutes working. Thanks anyway I will check this asap.