Floating licence having to enter at startup Floating licence

Good day

I have followed the instructions for keeping licence on the computer alive but it does not work both on mac and windows. For floating licence reactivation needed constantly!
i need to activate every startup even when runnning commands in guide
i followed this guide Licensing Setup - Configuring different license options

but it does not work


this is what i done se below.:

1: Update to the latest version of LightBurn and make sure it’s installed and licensed as normal. Close the program or the rest of the process will not work.

2: Open up a command prompt by:

Click Start menu, then type ‘CMD’ and windows will auto-complete,
right-click it, run as Administrator.

3: Type the following into the command prompt:

CD “c:\program files\LightBurn”

4: Next, type the following into the command prompt:

LightBurn -l

Once done, any user who uses that machine will be able to run LB without entering license.


1: Start a ‘Terminal’.

2: Type the following:

cd /Applications/LightBurn.app/Contents/MacOS

sudo ./LightBurn -l (license key)

NOTE: That last command is sudo ./LightBurn -(lower case L) (license key)

Once done, any user who uses that machine will be able to run LB without entering license

If your issue requires LightBurn staff attention, please email us at support@LightBurnSoftware.com - this is a public forum

The most common error we see in this process is not running an admin command shell - if you just run it in user mode, it doesn’t have permission to create a file in the Program Files folder.

The second most common error we see is people mis-entering the license key. The help topic shows the command line like this:

LightBurn -l

That is “LightBurn”, followed by a minus sign and a lower-case letter L, a space, then your license key (without the <>'s around it).

So it should look like this:

LightBurn -l ABCDEF-123456-789012-FDBEA1-2G675A

And it must be entered using a command shell with administrative rights. On Windows you right-click to “run as administrator” when opening the Command Prompt app, and on MacOS you use “sudo” followed by the command above.

You should see a ‘lightburn.ldata’ file created in the LightBurn program folder once you’ve run the process, and if you are able to run the process successfully on one system, you can just copy the “lightburn.ldata” file from the LightBurn program folder on that system to the same location on other systems you want to use the floating license, so you can avoid having to type the command line on the rest.

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