Now that I’ve added home/limit switch to Z-axis I’ve been playing around with the focus test. It looks like focus test does not obey the “OM Tech/Polaris” setting.
Machine: R&B Chinese 700x400 with Ruida 6442G
I’ve enabled the OMTech/Polaris check box so Z movement matches layer height.
Relative moves is disabled
XY home is the top left.
Z zero is highest table position.
I’ve adjusted machine/axis setting so that:
XY home is correct.
XY keypad is correct
Z home goes up until it hits the limit switch
Z keypad is correct (for me;right is “more” which is positive, which is down)
Layer height on cut settings works correctly 50mm moves to 50mm absolute according to the Ruida display and measurement.
However, if I focus test 2-15mm with 13 steps, the 2mm line is actually at 15mm and the 15mm line is actually at 2mm.
I can’t see anywhere else to change this behavior.
EDIT: Actually, not just the direction is wrong, it looks like it’s also using relative not absolute moves.
I’ve looked at material height, layer height, home offset, line/fill/offset fill, advanced, machine settings, device settings … I can’t find anything that would affect this.
Also, the 16mm offset in the linked post has now replaced the “yep, it goes where it is supposed to” behavior.
If I disable the OMTech option (which I now remember has something to do with a 17mm offset as well), focus test works fine, but I have to put in a negative layer height, which then goes to the correct positive offset…
To summarize, everything other than layer height is “more positive = table further away from laser head”. I have to set the layer height to negative values which moves to the correct positive location.
Agreed, and that’s what the current Ruida + Machine + Lightburn settings are doing. However, a negative move on Lightburn is a positive move on Ruida. It’s further away from home. The signs just don’t agree. It’s an easy enough mental adjustment. It just makes me twitchy.