Fonctionnement rotative (Rotary operation)

depuis la dernière version de lightburn, ma rotative fonctionne bizarrement.
mes gravures sont gravés 3 fois plus grandes sur l’axe X !
j’utilise un fichier qui fonctionnait très bien, j’avais déjà gravé des verres et ils étaient parfait. J’ai voulu regraver les mêmes verres et maintenant mon image est multiplié par 3 sur l’axe X !
pourtant la rotative est bien réglé, quand je clique sur test, c’est ok !
aves vous une solution ?

I don’t have a good solution here but I’ll translate to see if someone else does.

Since the last version of lightburn, my rotary axis is acting strange. My engravings are engraved 3 times larger on the x axis! I used a file that worked very well in the past. I have already engraved glasses and they were perfect. I wanted to engrave the same thing again and now my image is 3 times larger on the x axis. The rotary axis is set up correctly, when I click on the test button everything works ok! Does anyone have a solution? Thanks.”

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Merci, c’est une bonne idée !

Thanks, that’s a good idea!

3 times is a very strange error in computers.
An error of pi could be caused by not having the rotary option selected in the software but only in some cases.

Your profile shows that you have three Lasers. Which Laser and which rotary are you working with?

je l’utilise avec Ruida

This type of rotary is considered chuck-type. A chuck is a fixture for turning the workpiece. Here, the rollers and the roller diameter do not enter into the calculation for motion.

I see that there is a ratio between the drive motor sprocket and the driven sprocket on the Chuck. This ratio may be of interest.

You will also need to apply the line interval number (distance between dots while engraving) and the radius of the workpiece.

Please share your settings.

voici mes paramètres.
j’ai toujours utiliser ces paramètres et j’ai gravé des dizaine de fois sans soucis, et depuis la dernière ou peut-être l’avant dernières, ca ne fonctionne plus !
here are my settings.
I’ve always used these settings and I’ve burned dozens of times with no problem, and since the last one or maybe the penultimate one, it doesn’t work anymore!
Capture-paramètres Lightburn

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