Fonts are not working on Mac

My installed fonts on Mac are not working. What I start typing the LB makes just spaces, the cursor is moving but nothing is shown. When I click outside type element just a dot appears. I can change the font and all is shown again. So it seems LB cannot use with particular Fonts.

I am using the fonts on Windows machine without an issue and fonts are working perfectly in InkScape on Mac.

I tried to reinstall / (de)activate fonts but no luck. It’s pretty annoying. Anyone with the workaround?

I am using M2, Sonoma 14.0. Thanks

Which fonts are you having problems with?
is variable text turned off?

I downloaded some christmas fonts, don’t remember the autor. But multiple fonts have same issue. I.e. Christmas Nice, Christmas Bright. But other fonts, like Chocolate are okay and are downloaded as well.

The variable text is set to normal with offset 0. I tried other offsets and other values with no luck

I have had similar issues with fonts and it was caused by having duplicate fonts installed. Your Mac can resolve this, instructions can be found here: Fonts not Showing Correctly on Mac? Here is the Fix • macReports

I tried to fix it. Now all fonts are validated, duplicities are removed, all is “green” in font book. However the issue still persists. Interesting thing is that some imported fonts works okay… I cannot find out the difference between the one which works and the other which doesn’t work.

Could you attach a copy of some of the problem fonts (if font license allows for that)

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