Form ausschneiden

Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe folgendes Problem.

Ich würde gerne einen Kreis ausschneiden aber mein Laser fährt immer die innen und Aussenbahn und nicht nur die Mittellinie.

Wie kann ich diese Einstellung ändern?

Freue mich über viele Antworten

Hello, everyone,

I have the following problem.

I would like to cut out a circle, but my laser always moves the inside and outside lane and not just the center line.

How can I change this setting?

I am happy about many answers

Please provide an example of what you are trying to do, show what art you are working with, and we can go from there. :slight_smile:

Es ist zum beispiel wenn ich ein Herz als Symbol/Bild einfüge das der Laser immer die Innenlinie und Aussenlinie abfährt und nicht nur die Mittellinie d.h. wenn das Herz nur 5mm groß sein soll macht es immer automatisch zwei Durchgänge da der Abstand zwischen den beiden Linien zu klein ist. Bei Namen/Wörter ist es ebenfalls so… je größer der Namen z.B. 10mm ist, ist es nicht schlimm da der Abstand der innen und Aussenlinie größer ist aber je kleiner umso verbrannter schaut die Gravur aus.

For example, when I insert a heart as a symbol / image, the laser always moves along the inner and outer lines and not just the center line, i.e. if the heart is only 5mm tall, it always automatically makes two passes because the distance between the two lines closes is small. With names / words it is also like this … the bigger the name is e.g. 10mm, it doesn’t matter because the distance between the inside and outside lines is bigger but the smaller the more burned the engraving looks.

Show us please. Show us what you want to produce, along with what you are getting now. Hard to tell exactly what you are after, from your wording. Post some pictures so we can “see” what you want to produce. :slight_smile:

Dieses Bild soll gelasert werden

So sieht es beim Bild verfolgen aus

Und so wird es gelasert

Ebenso bei der Schrift

This picture is to be lasered

This is what it looks like when you track an image

And so it is lasered

Likewise with the script

If you set that shape to a ‘Fill’ layer, the space between the lines will be filled. Is that what you are asking?

This is a good exercise to become familiar with the basics of LightBurn: Beginner Walkthrough - LightBurn Software Documentation

Continue through this until completion of the ‘Simple Project’ section for a solid starting point. :slight_smile:

Mit füllen ist zwar das Herz voll aber es dann ca 7 Durchgänge. Ich möchte das Herz gravieren nur mit EINER Linie

With filling the heart is full, but then about 7 passes. I want to engrave the heart with just ONE line

Why 7? Post the LBRN file along with screen capture of the Layer settings you have for this “7 pass” shape for review.

Das Herz hat jetzt eine Größe von 10mm und ich habe Versatzfüllung angewählt dann sind es 4 Durchgänge die der Laser graviert

The heart now has a size of 10mm and I have selected offset filling then there are 4 passes that the laser engraves

Why did you set this to ‘Offset Fill’? My recommendation was to set to ‘Fill’. When set to ‘Fill’, the laser should sweep back and forth, turning the laser on and off to fill the shape. Using the Offset Fill has the laser travel around the shape path, offsetting each trip until filled.

I highly suggest you go through our documentation, where we explain these options in detail. LightBurn provides many ways to accomplish a given project. The Simple Project I pointed out will help in understanding some of the most commonly used features.

Sorry, da hab ich mich verdrückt

Sorry, I ran away

So ist zwar das Herz gefüllt aber ist es dennoch möglich nur eine Linie der beiden zu gravieren schon um gravierzeit zu sparen da wir sehr viele Stifte gravieren mit Namen da dauert das füllen sonst eine Ewigkeit

So the heart is filled, but it is still possible to engrave only one line of the two in order to save engraving time because we engrave a lot of pens with names, otherwise filling takes an eternity

You can select one of the heart shape lines, then create an offset of that shape, so there is a new shape generated that is midway between the original heart shape lines.

In the example below, I did an outward offset of the inside heart shape, then selected both original heart shapes and deleted to leave only the center line heart shape. Set that shape to ‘Line’ to have the laser follow the shape path, taking much less time to produce. :slight_smile:

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Das funktioniert bei mir nicht, wie oben beim Bild verfolgen entstehen bei mir zwei Linien jetzt wenn ich es so mache wie von Ihnen beschrieben werden bei mir wieder zwei Linien nach Aussen produziert und zum Schluss bleiben wieder beide stehen.

That doesn’t work for me, as with the picture above, two lines are created for me now if I do it as you described, two lines are produced on the outside again and in the end both stop again.

The Offset should only produce a single shape if you select only one of the heart shape paths. If you select both paths, and then try the Offset, it will produce both or two offset shapes. If you draw a simple square, select it and apply an Offset to that shape, what do you get as a result?

Dann erhalte ich nur ein Quadrat. Liegt es vielleicht daran das, dass Herz ursprünglich aus einem Bild stammt und nicht in lightburn gezeichnet wurde

Then I just get a square. Is it perhaps because the heart originally came from a picture and was not drawn in lightburn

A square, or an offset square from the original? You need to only select one of the two lines used to make up this heart shape. The 2-line heart shape was drawn in LightBurn, when you did the Image Trace. LightBurn automatically produces or draws these shapes for you, but they are “drawn” in LightBurn.

You may need to ungroup to allow you to select only one of the lines to offset. :slight_smile: This is what I am showing above.

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