Foxalien Masuter 20W; 5000MwH output

Hello All, so very new to this and have an issue I can’t quite figure out. My work area is 400 x 380 mm. However in my Lightburn my machine and work coordinates display as minuses. Therefore using absolute coordinates doesn’t work. I’ve tried using the G92 offset and it actually worked once. Where at home my X & Y were 0,0😊 A few days went by and when I returned to burn another project my coordinates were like X -752.441 Y5.71. I tried G92x0y0 but it’s a though I didn’t even hit the button. I’ve tried user position but hitting the set origin button also produces zero results and my working position stays right where it is no change and and coordinates are the same.

I have tried manually putting the machine at 0:0 then powering down the machine closing Lightburn then powering the machine back on then bringing the software back up. Yeah nothing fixed everything is still negative and I can’t get it to zero. I can shut Lightburn down then load Laser GRBL and click the zero x/y button and my working coordinates go to 0/0 wherever the laser is and I can burn. So I’ve tried zeroing with Laser GRBL then closing it and loading Lightburn back up but yep you guessed it my coordinates are still askew.

Any suggestions on configuring this Foxalien machine with Lightburn would be greatly appreciated !! One last piece of info, the let Lightburn find my machine doesn’t work I have to install it manually.

I watched the video on origins by Louisiana Rick F but my Lightburn just will not do what he is showing and making look so easy, I only wish!!!

Have you read the LightBurn documentation on Common GRBL setups? They go through some common problem scenarios.

Common GRBL/GCode Setups - LightBurn Software Documentation

I had been through the documentation but that article eluded me. There were some similar documents on other sites, but nothing speaking about the $10. I did find and utilize the G10 and I believe that was the one day things seemed to work the best. At this late hour I will head off to dream land thinking of exercising these functions tomorrow. Fingers crossed. lol Thank you so much for the time you took to point me in the right direction, much appreciated.

All I can say is THANK YOU! You extra shot of information and what I already knew (sorta) fixed this issue. The ability to use absolute coordinates on my negative Foxalien grid works as advertised now. So armed with your article and this one: Grbl V1.1 Quick Reference – provided everything I needed.

So basically what I did is as follows:
$RST=$ -->Restores the Grbl settings to defaults.
$RST=# -->Erases G54-G59 WCS offsets and G28/30 positions stored in EEPROM.
Ensured $30 (max spindle speed) correct.
Ensured $32 (sets for laser mode) correct.
Set $10=0 (it was 1)
Set G10 L2 X-400 Y-380

Tested by clicking get position. it was X-1 Y-1.01 but close enough I can work with it! As it transitions to the work space all my numbers become positive. I can now use the “Move to Position” and wuala it goes right where I EXPECT it should go.

The only thing I haven’t tried was G92X0Y0 - but from what I understand I can set a User Origin (please correct me if I am wrong). I will come back and reply when I’ve experimented with it and see if it is even worth messing with. I mean if it ain’t broke… anyway. I was in need of getting something done so my machine is currently running (thanks AGAIN!!) and later when I have a few minutes I’ll play with the G92 setting and see how screwed up I can get things again lol

Hopefully anyone else using the Masuter from Foxalien may find this helpful, it certainly did me!

Cheers @berainlb