Absolute novice… Ortur Master 2 Pro with Lightburn 1.0.06. When I highlight an image to burn, hold down the shift key and hit “Frame” - the laser moves up to the rear right corner and makes funny noises. “Get Position” shows me X and Y both at 16.227 (which doesn’t seem right to me - isn’t this out of bounds?).
What are you using for your Start From setting in the Laser window? I’d recommend sticking with Absolute Coords until you’re more familiar with how your laser operates.
It says User Origin, and below that the bottom left circle is selected. I haven’t gotten to the point of selecting any of this. I will change it to Absolute Coords and see if I can meander through. Thank you.
I tried the absolute, but if I do shift-frame, alt+L, or Get Origin - they all go to the rear right corner… Grrrr…
Are you able to jog the laser using the Move window controls correctly? As in left goes left, right goes right, etc?
If not, I suspect you’ve set the machine origin incorrectly. Check Edit->Device Settings. Your origin should match this view:
Yes, the Move buttons seem to be working correctly. The device settings look like yours, except that they show width 15.357 in and height 15.357 in.
The dimensions on your machine are different so that’s fine. Now you’ve got me intrigued about what’s going on. Can you restart your laser and do the following:
- Can you confirm that the laser head homes to the front left?
- What is the reading of “get position” in the Move window?
- Run these commands in Console and return the output:
3a. $I
3b. $$
3c. $#
3d. ? - Attach a screenshot of the full LightBurn screen as if you’re ready to frame a job.
- Attach the .lbrn file here
- Yes.
- Both X and Y show -16.227
3a. error:3 Grbl ‘$’ system command was not recognized or supported
3b. (Wow)
3c. EEPROM read failed. Reset and restored to default values. ok
3d. <Idle[WPos:-412.163,-412.163,0.000> ok
- This is a copy of the .lbrn file I’m trying to work with.
Dec27.lbrn2 (169.5 KB)
Did you recently turn homing off and then turn it back on? (To use a rotary, for example?)
Your $22 setting might be incorrect - there’s a solid chance if you haven’t updated your firmware to fix the issue, it needs to be set to 43, not 1.
Typing $22=43 into the console and pressing enter will fix it, as will typing $RST=* (followed by enter).
There are a number of configuration items that are non-standard. Were these changes deliberate?
As Oz has suggested, try this command:
I see at least 2 issues, one is that you’re not homing ($22) and the other is that you’re not using machine position ($10).
This should revert all configuration changes to defaults. If this does not work please rerun these commands in Console. Type one at a time (copy and paste from this post as to not mistype). Then copy the entirety of the console output after the first command here.
$RST=* gives Grbl 1.1f {’$’ for help]
HLP: $$ $# $G $1 $N $X=VAL $Nx=line $SLP $C $X $H $B ~! ? ctrl-x
[ORIGIN: China]
[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2]
[OLF: 183]
[DATE:11:19:45 - Sep 1 2021]
Target buffer size found
[GC:G0 G54 G92 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]
Somehow you’ve got this weird offset and it didn’t get reset with your other settings. I’ve seen this once before.
Take a look at this forum post from OrturTech. Follow the instructions exactly and report back the results. By the way, “reach for your motherboard” is referring to the controls on your laser.
I would add to also update you firmware
I updated my firmware, did the $RST=*, reset and powered back up. Now my laser says “Busy” and won’t do anything. When I go to restart Lightburn, it tells me I am " You are currently streaming to your device. Are you sure you want to close?"
Step back a few steps
Unplug usb → tap reset → move head to center
power machine on
Does it home correctly?
Open lightburn → confirm your com port on devices is correct then check Console
Do you get a welcome message?
The machine did “Home” properly. Here is what it tells me in the console:
Waiting for connection…
[ORIGIN: China]
[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2]
[OLF: 187]
[SN: 5EB1FEE4296D3C1E7559C4038235311B]
[DATE:17:26:04 - Dec 15 2021]
Target buffer size found
Ok so at that point its homed and update worked ok
Its no longer saying busy correct?
Correct … it now tells me “ready” Do I attempt the “Go To Origin” again to see if it heads for the rear right corner again?