I have a question on framing a name on a tumbler. How can I frame just where the letters are going to burn and not like a box is around the whole layout. If I hit frame it does a large area of where the top of the letters are and the bottom. I would like to frame exactly where the letters are going to burn for placement purposes.
I don’t think most gantry machines can move fast enough to do what you want. If I’m following you.
To do a single character, you’d have to select it and use cut selected graphics and use selection origin in the laser window. You can setup Lightburn to do specific parts and it will frame that specific part… Once aligned you could then run the whole job…
Good luck
I think the best you can get in terms of “framing” would be to use the “Rubber Band” framing options (“dashed circle” button). Whenever I need to know /exactly/ where the laser path will go, I typically just run the program, but with the actual laser disabled on the machine with the key (assuming your machine offers that feature).
(Note that I haven’t used a rotary, but I would assume that the behavior is similar.)
I used the rubberband framing to get a general idea. It’s close but it would be nice to get exact…Thanks for the reply