Framing twisted

Fibre 60w JPT MOPA, For some reason the framing on the red light is now a few degrees off the straight plain (twisted) still the same if I change lens. The working area is square to the base plate.

Any thoughts would be grateful :nerd_face:

Is the twisted framing accurate to the angle of actual output?

You can rotate output by adjusting the Angle field in Edit → Device Settings.

Yes, thanks for that, was trying to work out why it would have changed as I haven’t altered anything!

You can have the galvo not square on it’s column mount.

I’d check those screws that mount the box behind the galvo to the column mount. These are slotted mounts so it could move off square here.

If these are not loose, then you’ll have to look elsewhere.

I’ve never been inside mine, so it’s only what I’ve picked up from others. Some of these have the frame led coming from the laser source, some are elsewhere. Supposedly this comes from within the laser source on my MOPA and probably yours…

Good luck


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