I have a 1390 laser and have a second one on the way. I’d like to get a fume / odor extractor into the mix - I cut a lot of acrylic and abs.
The laser manufacturer in China is offering a 1000m3h/h or a 1500m3/h version of the typical triple-element (G3, F5, H13) tower-style filter. How can I know if this is enough volume?
I plan on running the exhausts from both machines (2 on each) into a manifold directly into the filter. I suppose I could install shut-off valves into the lines if only 1 machine will be used.
Hi, I see you live in the US so man you have a vast choice of extraction fans and trunking available to you there.
Very popular are the “in-line duct fans” with cfm values that are unbelievable and at good price point, shipping, if any, would certainly be cheaper and the wait less.
In my machines I run indipendant fans and exhausts, and the cubic capacity of the machine working space is just on 1.3 m3. I wanted the air to change quickly so there was a minimum of time between the end of the job and opening the top, so I went for a fan that would chance the 1.3m3 in just about 2 second.
So I needed a fan that was for 1080 m3/h
I will attach some of the choices I had as an image
Something definately to consider especially if you are in a residential area is the noise some of the bigger fans make… So please ask for a db level and try to get something that makes the same noise to really understand the impact
Thanks for the reply!
I’m currently using the giant, noisy, 220v extraction fan the laser shipped with.
I was asking about filtration, though.
Since the order was being held up due to my choice, I just went with the biggest one they offered. My thinking was that having too little tan/filter would be worse than not enough!
The design of the filter and media might have as much to do with the odor-reducing capability as the volumetric flow rate. I’ve been thinking about a Bofa extractor, but both the unit and the media are pretty expensive. Hopefully you will post a short review after you’ve had a chance to check out the one that you bought.