Functionality after trail period

I just have this open question about fair usage of LB and what is possible.

For the makerspace we have paid license … (But we notice that we have a bottleneck there)

The preperation of 1 lasercut moment can take some time to set it up.
This is the time that the PC is locked by the user. (And nobody else can cut)

Is there a possibilty that you use the software → but you can store only the lightburn file.
And don’t have the functionality to cut, or send the command to the cutter.

This way we can let users work on there pc and save the file only.

We have a special License for Makerspace admins and their members This seems to be what you are asking about. Please email and they will assist you with this.

Please also include a link to this thread in your email. It will help to add context.

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