G-code words consist of a letter and a value. letter was not found. error

Hello, I am getting the following error “g-code words consist of a letter and a value. letter was not found.”, this is my first time trying to engrave an image. I have no idea what to change or do haha

I have a Atezr 35 diode laser, my computer is directly plugged into the laser, have pulled a couple of images to test and get the same error. I have prepped the images in ImagR with a few different settings as well.

I suspect you have “gcode clustering” enabled in Edit->Device Settings. If you see it enabled, disable it and try again.

If it’s not disabled do the following:

  1. Push Devices button in Laser window
  2. Click on the name of your laser one time
  3. Take a screenshot
  4. Post screenshot here
  5. Take a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings and also post here
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That was it, thank you so much!!

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