G-codes not working

I have Neje 3Max Ran focal test on angled board which worked just fine, with one exception. the direction doesnt work right up is down and down is up. Opened tools G-code M7 M8 opened and M9 closed M7 run through AR4 switch and nothing worked. I can plug in directly and both air pump and exhaust fan runs. Any help out there with this situation?

I’m having a hard time following what the actual problem is.

Is the issue that the directions are not correct or that you’re doing something with G-Code? The G-code you’ve listed should be unrelated to direction and then you start talking about air pumps and exhaust fans but with no context as to what you’re doing, what you expect to happen, and what’s happening instead.

Can you clarify what it is that you’re trying to solve?

Also, please clarify about direction not working. Do you mean that the jogging controls are working in opposite direction? Is this only true for up-down? Does left and right work correctly? Make sure that Origin in Edit->Device Settings is set for bottom-left.

Oops my apologies. 2 separate issues. My Up arrow makes unit drive towards me and If I push down button it goes to up and away from me. the other issues is as described.

Please follow the change I directed above and see if that resolves it.

I’m still struggling with this.

You haven’t described what it is that you’re attempting to do and what the result was. Can you elaborate on “Nothing worked”? What were you expecting to happen and what happened instead.

Plug in directly to where?

Really going to need a lot more context to understand the situation.

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I read what you said about setting bottom left in edit origin bottom left . I have done that and buttons work correctly now. Thank you for the advice and your time

I had both sets of wires from air pump and exhaust fan run through the AR4 switch neither worked when I ran the angle test for focal length. I took both sets of wires out of the AR4 and plugged them into the power strip. Far as I can tell they both worked when plugged directly into live power

Is this a packaged solution from Neje or this is something that you’ve rigged up? Do you have a link to this switch?

I assume you wired this from the controller? If so, how? Have you tested voltage at the controller to make sure the pins are being activated? Does your controller support Air Assist control?

Can you attach a diagram for how you’ve wired this? I’m not seeing how this would work if this requires mains power for activation.

I had no exhaust fan “add on equipment”, nor the air pump “add on equipment” come on while I was running the laser during the angel test. I took apart the AR4 switch and took fan and pump wires and plugged them directly into the power strip and both started and ran until I unplugged them. M8 is air assist and M7 is the exhaust fan. I tied the 2 together when wiring through the AR4. even though everything is clicked on in tools G-code neither one came on while I was running the tests. I cant describe this any better than this. I hope this helps now.

AR4 switch is just a power on switch when unit calls for it through the G-code selection. I added a cut extension cord to power-in side of switch I twisted both air pump and exhaust fan wires together Live to live Nuetral to neutral on the out side of the switch and the M7 into its little slot. M8 wire is still attached to unit as directed from install nothing to do with the AR4 switch.

Where is this?

Are you saying that these are the wires that would otherwise be plugged into the controller? If so, I don’t see how this would work. Any signals from the controller are almost certainly DC low voltage and current.

And to be clear, do you have external exhaust fans and air compressor or similar that you’re trying to drive with these?

Are you referring to installation instructions? Can you reference or link to these?

AR4 is just a power on/off switch called to close and allow electricity to flow by Machine turning on via select Tools click on box next to [basic settings] (G-code) then in the open box M7 M8 are listed to open/turn on once work requirement is called for. once completed off the M9 automatically shuts of the M7/M8 units in use. both items are low wattage low voltage. there are numerous videos showing how to do this. How I know what to do, not what to do if it doesn’t turn on as supposed to. Hence were I am at right this moment. I can manually do this by plugging in directly, but defeats the whole purpose of using the switch.

Many videos on youtube for this but none for it not working. Main ones done by LAhobby guy and a couple others with the same unit and upgrade extension rails I have.

https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0370/4215/9752/products/5_c8b2de79-80ea-4a85-9621-f7c4de33fb00_1024x1024@2x.jpg?v= Here is the add on exhaust fan the little box is the AR4 switch. Just add wires from power source and wires from fan motor to the correct sides of switch. I just added my air pump to the closed side with the exhaust fan wires.

This looks to be a wiring diagram for the Neje Max 3 controller. Can you confirm this is what you’re working from?


It took me a long time to understand what you meant.

Please confirm. You’re referring to Edit->Device Settings->GCode->Start Gcode field?

Can you link to where you purchased the switch or a reference for the switch itself?

I’d suggest going back to basics to confirm functionality at each step in the chain.

First order of business is to confirm that the M7 pin is activating based on the command. Do you have a meter that you can use to test this?

Instead of using the Gcode tab I’d suggest entering M7 in Console window. Put the probes on the two M7 pins. I haven’t seen any information on how M7 works but I assume this will read as either 3.3V or 5V when M7 command is issued and 0V when not issued or after issuing M9.

Switch came with my unit yes, the switch is on the drawing as the relay switch. is designed for the exhaust fan M7 M8 is wired into the air assist valve on the frame of unit or air pump if one chooses to use it for that purpose. all I did was to wire both the pump and fan together and then wired to the relay/power switch. I will have to wait until tomorrow, in order to get neighbors ohm meter to give you the readings. Please bear with. Thank you for your help so far. I am so new to the laser world. My first issue was answered here last week. My unit came with one of the drive wires left side was not connected inside of the clip going into the motherboard. What a job that was to find. seems like I always find the difficult ones get working when I start something new.

In the meantime, can you take some high quality photos of the switch? Specifically looking for any markings or anything that would help indicate function.

After validating voltage at M7 pins on controller, test the same thing at the switch. This should validate that the cable is undamaged and that the signal is reaching the switch. In that case, it’s just a matter of sorting out switch function.

If you don’t get voltage at the pins then that isolate the issue to controller function.

Fastest way to see details is for you to enlarge the photo link. It’s nothing fancy. The switch/relay is sitting on the fan. I do have one more query. More of a thought really. How do I test for continuity while units running, the power will only flow once unit is activated. Still waiting on neighbor to come home to borrow ohm meter.

There’s nothing in that photo that would explain the function of it. I’m looking for a wiring diagram or a datasheet or something similar.

I described this above. And note, you’re not checking for continuity. You’re checking for voltage.

I will check as soon as I can find someone wit ohm meter. Hopefully neighbor comes home soon

ok just ran continuity. 3.3 both from motherboard and again took wire out of AR4 so no broken wires.