Galvo Global Pass fails to recognize Cylinder Correction

Subsequent passes after the 1st pass on global engraving settings does not recognize Cylinder Correction that’s been applied.

First run recognizes cylinder correction settings, but I immediately noticed that the second pass does not (as most obviously indicated by the shadows of the text on the outermost of the design).

This is a HUGE oversight in the global pass setting and cost me a $50 water bottle! @LightBurn - this NEEDS to be fixed ASAP.

I am new to the forum but not new to LB or galvo machines.

80w MOPA, 300mm lens

Can you tell me which “global passes” value you’re referring to? Can you show me the layer settings?


If you preview, do you see a difference between the two passes there?

No, they line up as they should.

Hmm - I have been able to reproduce this by matching your settings. I’ll dig into it.


Thank you, this was a shock to me and definitely hit the wallet - I would appreciate the update when you solve it.

This is fixed.

In order to get Global Passes to work, and retain sub-layer ordering, we copy the results of the cut generation after most of the work is done. Unfortunately it was doing the copies after applying Cylinder Projection, so the projection wasn’t applied to the copies. That’s been fixed, and this should be released in 1.6.00.


Ok thanks. When can we expect 1.6.0 since I just installed the latest version today?

We are looking to release a beta version to the public, Soon-ish™. :slight_smile: You will have early access once we do so in the Public Beta folder. We will announce availability here: Public Beta Release Announcements

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