Galvo not changing power levels between cleaning and engraving passes

If you’re inclined please share your lbprefs file for review.

Please share your lbprefs file as well. We should be able to narrow down the likely cause with several contributors.


I manually edited your Prefs file to patch the zero value for “Laser_SPI_Simmer” current and the typo in “Laser_OpenMODelay” that looked wrong.

The Die Hard coin you offered for testing didn’t have an out of range frequency, (30kHz and 60kHz are fine) so I’m not patching the frequency discrepency yet.

Please import the attached lbprefs file and test with your Die Hard coin at your convenience. It shouldn’t misbehave but the onus is on you to be safe and protect your equipment.

Please let us know if you see a change in the reported behavior.
forum 119695 post 6 Lightburn Prefs v4 patch 1.lbprefs (46.7 KB)