Galvo stops working/firing almost like a windows blue screen of death

Hey G’day,

Has anyone experienced Galvo working ok, then power cuts out continues scanning but without power.

Happened twice to date, my fix is restart lightburn. I have been fortunate where its stopped working 5/6 minutes into the job and not halfway through the job.

I thought happens once its an anomaly, twice well it could become a habit.

I have a 40 second clip if you watch it all the way through you’ll see what happens, cutting fine then gone, I have an overhead shot so you can see the scanline I’m talking about.

If anyone can shed some light on this would be appreciated.

What kind of laser source do you have? JPT/Raycus?

We’ve seen this before… I don’t know the current status, seems to prevalent with a Raycus source…

Maybe @JohnJohn can suggest a course of action to try and solve this…

Hang in there…


60watt JPT M7

I called the supplier of the laser, they remote logged in to my pc, first thing they did was switch over to ezcad2, they seem to have come across this issue before.

So I guess not the machine, soon as they logged off I said ty, then switched back to LB lol…

I thought maybe an issue with PC/RAM.
Restarting LB fixed the issue so was thinking possible memory leak corrupt file.

Any way not particularly stressed by it knowing that you are all on top of it. So long as it doesn’t catch me 1 hour into a 1 hour 5 minute job I’m happy :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for the courtesy of a reply.

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Does this shut-down happen consistently at the same elapsed time or position?

If it’s not identical - is the timing similar (several minutes into a task) - always between layers? Halfway through is good to know but not as telling as 7 minutes in or after this cleaning layer with these settings.

This might be new and this might be related to Settings Drift. Either way, I’d like the opportunity to capture this.

My first step in all of this is, comparing the cut settings to the Device Settings to the frequency range that the engraver should be running in.

Which version of LightBurn are you running when this happens?
Do you have the markcfg7 file that your engraver shipped with?

If you’re willing to share the markcfg7 file, please make a copy of it, change the filename of the copy so it ends .txt and drag and drop it into a reply here.

I’d also like the current lbprefs file; (if you’re willing) Click File, click export prefs and save that file somewhere convenient and drag/drop it into your reply as well.

The third set of data can come from your project file or the Cuts/Layers settings from your current project. The project is faster if you’re willing to share.

Hey G’day,

Thank you for your quick reply.
I don’t have a problem with giving you those files.
It was 1.51lb,
I was using the 300mm lens last time it happened and was using the 175mm lens first time it happened.
I know what I was engraving at the time was a 3d slice I know the file so I can reload that, Im sure I have it saved somewhere as well.

Soon as I get home I will attach the files.

TY for taking an interest in this.

Ok as promised have packed all the relevant files.
I use a toshiba satellite i5 ram 4 gig (so not a lot) 500meg h/d.
Its only purpose in life is the workshop to run LB and other CnC control software.
the lb project file 02 the file was sent to me by a friend he had an interesting design which he shared.
lb project file 01 is my own.
You have current lb pref all the markcfg7 files that came with the machine.
The only changes I made were to scale, which were not right.
Otherwise hop speed fine tuning I have not done any of that.
Laser is a 60watt JPT Mopa M7
Unfortunately I do not have the original 1.51 file on hand as I updated to 1.53
Both jobs - I will called it red line of death occurred around the 7 minute mark.
Both were 3dslices.
each time I had to shutdown LB restart and was good to go from there.

I will pay attention to this, if it occurs again I will make note and forward file/s to you.

Will not let me upload project file 02 its just under 7mb your limit is 4mb if you want that file just give me an email address and Ill send it there.

Sorry can’t be of further help.
16032024lbpref.lbprefs (65.5 KB)
jczfiber ezcad 75.lbdev (3.2 KB)
jczfiber ezcad 175.lbdev (4.7 KB)
jczfiber ezcad 300.lbdev (4.7 KB)
lb project file 01 300mm lens.lbrn2 (1.2 MB)

Hey G’day,

I upgraded to lb 1.54

Is this a LB thing? or perhaps something else?

Well no work for me today, red line of death can not do a thing. Was working for a while now just being difficult.

Testing simple image to an axe, doing cleaning pass, first pass ok second red line.
Restart LB restart laser, first pass ok second redline again. All within first 60 odd seconds.

Restart redo, no cleaning pass just doing a halftone about 60 seconds in red line.

Delete redo file, same thing so today is a loss. Will try again tomorrow uploading files for you to look at.

17032024.lbprefs (65.7 KB)
smaug red light death.lbrn2 (837.7 KB)
test.lbrn2 (777.0 KB)

Ok managed to get one job out today but that was it.
I went out and bought another PC cables, just to make sure I could eliminate ram/hd/cabling issue.
The markcfg7 file I added .txt to the end just to be able to upload it.
I would like to know if this is a LB issue an indication would be nice.
If its not so I know to pursue other avenues.

19032024.lbprefs (34.4 KB)

skull jay.lbrn2 (400.1 KB)
st george perun.lbrn2 (1.1 MB)
st george perun 2.lbrn2 (1.1 MB)
markcfg7.txt (10.2 KB)

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Thank you for all the files. I’ll dig in right away.


If its not you guys let me know so I can chase the supplier.

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I went through it and saw no problem with the settings.

If you’re willing to risk another project, click Help, click Enable Debug Log, and run the project.

If the behavior occurs, and it happens while the debug Log is enabled, this might capture it for us.

If you capture it, make a note about how far into the project it happened, and Disable the Debugging log (the same way you enabled it).

A file called LightBurnLog.txt should appear in your Documents folder.

Please email that Debugging Log file to Re: Attn John - Forum 132962 Galvo stops working

Please also indicate if this is happening on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 device.

Someone from the Support desk will get that file to the dev team for analysis.

We’ve been trying to track this down but we haven’t had this happen on a machine near a Developer yet. I sincerely hope you can help us catch this one. Thanks.

Ok so light source it is, I will enable debug lets see what happens. I will chase down the supplier.

TY for taking the time and trouble!

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I apologise for taking so long to reply.

Have tracked down the issue, and its not a lighburn problem it was a source problem and heat.

For whatever reason, the source was overheating reaching 50c and the magic red line of death appears.

The supplier sent me some diag software, I had to wait for a usb to serial cable to arrive.

The software seems to be specific to JPT. I am sure your support team probably have this already if not let me know and Ill shoot it across in an email.

The new source has arrived and been installed.

I am a bit wary now regarding heat and ventilation. Taking a closer look at the fans in the box they seem inadequate.

The way the source is setup its pretty much electronics on an aluminium cooling block with 4 smaller fans to dissipate heat.

Personally I think the box could do with 3/4 high volume fans added to the sides.

My JPT source has overheat shutdown and when the material is too reflective, it knows that also…

I’d love to have software to read the board, just the eduction of what it can see would be worthwhile.

If there is no agreement that forbids sharing this software I’d love to have it…

Post it on something like a google drive, set protection so anyone with the link can read it and post the link here.

If it had been more available, you might have fixed this long ago.

Glad you figured out what’s going on…


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No need to apologize. I’m glad you stuck to it to find the cause.
I feel there are a lot of users who will also be thankful. Thank you for digging into this.

Thank you again, I accept your generous offer!
Please email the files to
Subject: Attn: John RE JPT Galvo Shutdown 132962

I’ll ask if anyone here has driven their JPT up over 50C.

How could I know the temperature?

Apparently @grumpy22 didn’t know either without their software. Does yours have some way to know what temperature it is?

50C is above the operating range limit, so it’s understand why it wouldn’t lase.

Curious if @grumpy22 is doing something different and what his environmental temperatures are when he runs the job.

If you know how to check these operating temperatures with Lightburn, please advise.


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