Galvo timing settings -- calibrate for mirror acceleration?

I’ve been contemplating the galvo timing settings and started wondering if it would be possible to get a little bit better quality at the start/end of lines by adjusting the TC On/Off delays but then going past the stop start positions to account for the acceleration/deceleration of the mirrors. This would give more consistent lines at the start/end because you wouldn’t have as many pulses/dots at the start/end of lines.

This is an exaggerated scenario because it is a low frequency and high speed for the purpose of illustrating what I’m thinking. You can see at the start and end of each row, the dots from the laser pulses are bunched up closer together due to the mirrors still accelerating. But if you started the mirrors accelerating outside the intended start point and then started firing the laser (increasing the TC on delay) you wouldn’t have this bunching (or over-burning) at the edges.

There is not any good references I know of that detail, to your extent, these mirrors units. When I got mine, I asked for a manual on the galvo unit… they sent me junk… more like an ad from somewhere.

I don’t know how far these mirrors go beyond where we operate them and how to make them go further. Most lenses seem to be use with a 25 deg lens input… at least that’s what I seem to get from what little documentation I have.

I see western built galvos, with data, but were so expensive they are way out of my reach, but no data on the ones that we usually get as hobbyists.

I think the whole theory of these delays is to make up for the mirror taking time to move and how long the mirror wiggles after it’s supposed to stop.

I don’t know enough about the how the controller actually drives these. It might be so simple as the mirror is commanded to move, then it stops, wiggles and is usable. Hence the delay system if functional at that lever. The controller has some speeds that are set but I don’t know how they are used.

We’d have to ask someone at Lightburn about how it works with the jcz boards. I would think the controller would need to know if it could move the mirrors at 10m/S or only 5m/S.

Good luck


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