I have a home made laser that I have a GRBL controller (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089SM3VNQ/) that works great for everything, I didn’t have endstop on my laser for a while. Installed some on the X and Y axis so I can home my X and Y. Enabled $22 in the gcode. when I try homing at this point I can hear all the axis jerk a bit and the laser turns on for a split second, then the axis don’t move and I can’t move them by hand.
I read online that it might be because of it trying to home the Z axis first, but since I don’t use a Z axis it doesn’t do anything. I disabled the Z axis homing in the config.h of GRBL to enable 2 axis homing like how the GRBL faq said so. reuploaded the firmware and it did the same thing. I would home and it would jerk and the laser would quickly turn on and off. I couldn’t move the axis by hand and it doesn’t move in software until I reset the controller. That’s where I left that until now.
Now I’m having another issue with the GCODE. When I was first editing the GCODE I was using laser grbl and it edited fine, Then I tried editing the GCODE with Lightburn and when I wrote it to the controller, now since doing that whenever I power on my machine it engages the axes and the Y and Z axes would show some crazy high number like 2000000+ or something and I couldn’t move anything anymore. this happens now regardless of which program I edit the gcode in. I’ve also tried reuploading the firmware to the board and get the same result (even without editing the gcode) I can’t figure out how to fix this.
If the issue was related to Z axis it would have likely given you a homing timeout error in Console. Can you capture the output of Console when homing?
The laser module should never come on during homing. This to me indicates a wiring issue or possibly a major issue with GRBL. Did you change anything other than the Z-axis homing?
I also suspect you have an issue with your limit switches and that was the problem if your original problem with homing if you disabled Z-homing correctly.
Can you explain how you’re editing gcode? Not following this.
Where are these numbers being shown?
What is the state/version of the firmware now?
Can you run these commands in Console and return results? Disconnect the stepper motors if they’re posing a problem.
I actually just did some more research and reset my gcode to default. Something in my gcode must have been screwed up because once I ran $RST=$ everything worked exactly like I wanted it to, Everything homes and it all worked. Thank you for getting to me but I seemed to have figured it out myself! Didn’t want to delete just incase someone in the future had a similar problem and maybe my solution would help them out.
I don’t know exactly what I changed to have the broken result but just reseting my gcode to default worked fine!
Glad you were able to get it working. I suspect some things in your configuration would need to be changed. At least $130, $131 as I don’t think defaults would match your actual physical dimensions.
It moves around like it should and everything in movement is fine, but now when trying to cut it seems I don’t have my lasers full power or something isn’t right. I have an 80w diode laser (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S9ZGCFS) that was, prior to resetting the gcode, able to easily cut through 1/8th basswood at like 70% power 10 speed with 1 pass. Now it will barely even get halfway through at 100% power 5 speed.
I’ve changed $30 to be 255, 1000, and even 9000 i’ve read on an article just to see if it would change anything and it didn’t.
Not sure if I missed something in the firmware when I edited it to remove the Z axis homing.
This was it! Weird because I tried 255 and it didn’t change much. Must have clicked something wrong but it works perfect now! Thank you so much for all your help