Genmitsu 4040-Pro settings for Windows

A newb here, so I apologize for ill-informed questions.

I have a Genmitsu 4040-Pro I purchased December '23. I’m attempting to set up the 10 W laser I got in Lightburn.

I am trying to align the simulation settings with the 4040-Pro but I have no way to confirm any settings that I “read from controller.”

Does anyone else have settings they are happy with?

To confirm the settings read from your controller, you can access the device settings under the Edit > Device Settings menu.

Instructions w/ pics here: Device Settings - LightBurn Software Documentation

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Under the “additional settings” I selected “Read from controller” - but Sainsmart/Genmitsu doesn’t have any documentation I can compare that to. I tried running a material test and it was burning through 1/8" cherry at 20% power at 400 mm/m. I was wanting to know if there were other Genmitsu 4040 users out there who I could compare notes with.

All lasers are different, that’s why you do material tests. Maybe start at 10% and 1000mm low end and should give you ballpark figures.
Read from controllor is just used to give you a time estimate in prevoew window.

Yeah, the test ran at 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% and ranged from 400 to 4000mm. I just didn’t get the impression it was actually running at those power levels.

There is no way to know the actual power without an expensive testing device, but if your Material Test shows a gradient in the burns, it is varying the power.

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