i have updated to version LightBurn 1.2.03, built Do. 2022-10-06 @ 01:33. There is no German language support available. Other languages like Spain, Dutch are still there.
I use Mac OS 12.6
See below
ColinWColin WorobetzSupport Manager
Hi everyone, we’re aware of the language pack issue and will be addressing it in a patch due out early next week - sorry for the delay. If necessary, you can always load a previous version of LightBurn from our version archive here Releases · LightBurnSoftware/deployment · GitHub
Hallo, ich habe die Version LightBurn-v1.0.00 installiert, dann die Sprache auf Deutsch umgestellt. Im Anschluss hat mir LightBurn gemeldet, dass es eine neuere Version LightBurn-v1.2.03 gibt. Diese habe ich dann installiert und die Sprache war weiterhin in Deutsch.
Hello, I installed the version LightBurn-v1.0.00, then changed the language to German. Subsequently, LightBurn has reported to me that there is a newer version LightBurn-v1.2.03. I then installed this and the language was still in German.
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