"Get Position" does nothing with my XTool D1 Pro

I’m trying to use “Get Position” to locate where the laser head is on my XTool D1 Pro. When I click the “Get Position” button it just shows zeros for X, Y, Z and U. Is it supposed to be a useful feature for the D1 Pro or is it unavailable with this machine?

Do you have your D1 Pro with homing switches and is your homing enabled?

Try instead of clicking get position
Type in console ?
Press enter
see what it says on Mpos

Is very possible that your machine is reporting X0 Y0 Z0 as being the initial state when you power it on.
Also, remember that IF you move laser head by hand, machine will NOT know and not report it
Steppers and diodes laser machines are for the most part an open loop system.
(Exception Xtool S1)

I have homing switches enabled. ? typed in console returns zero for all axes. The open loop thing makes sense, so in actuality, “Get Position” doesn’t do anything with D1 Pro.

Thanks for the response.

not the case
LEts assume this sequence
You home machine → click get position
It will say - as expectec X0 Y0 Z0

Now using move buttons click 100 mm to right and up

Get position again will show X100 Y100

Now if you home machine
Get position X0 Y0

Now move the head by hand to center. click get position again. it will still think its at home.

get position will report what the machine did or where it is if it was moved programatically.

Yes, I agree that Get Position will show what position I tell it to move to. What I guess I meant to say is that it doesn’t do what I was hoping it would do.

Thanks again for the replys

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