Get position || home position


I just move from MARLIN to GRBL.

My hardware home position is left-back (endstops installed).
When I use arrows and home button - everything works ok.
After homing the machine when I want to move laser to a desired position (by clicking on the canvas) it goes to correct directions but … never stops.
After homing when I click GET POSITION I get:
-999 -999 -1
after cycling the power I get 0 0 0 .
Is there any simple solution to get 0 0 0 after every homing?

Here is my config:

Change $10=2 to $10=0

Then type:

G10 L2 P1 X-1000 Y-1000

In the console. That will shift your origin from the rear-right to the front-left. GRBL is made for CNC machines, and they initialize with negative workspace by default.

Works ! THX.

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