Get position not 0,0

I have already read some other topics about this subject but i can’t find my answer.
I have NEJE Master 2 20W
I don’t know exactly sinds when but i think after one of the patch/update, i get this rare situation.

My problem with LB software:

  • I click Home button and it goes to end switch’s as i want (OK)
  • Then i check position with Get Position button and i see X:0 and Y:170 (this must be 0,0)

The problems => My old Saved Positions: not working anymore, when i start a job it gives me “almost” always notification “Cut out of bounds….” ,

Further works everything great.
How can i rest the 0,0 position so LB can understand my Home position actually also my 0,0 position is.

Here is my settings file .lbset
“Name”: “GRBL”,
“Settings”: [
“Desc”: “Status: Position reporting ($10)”,
“ID”: “0xa0000”,
“Value”: “Machine Position”
“Desc”: “Status: Show buffer data ($10)”,
“ID”: “0xa0001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Junction deviation (mm) ($11)”,
“ID”: “0xb”,
“Value”: 0.009999999776482582
“Desc”: “Arc tolerance (mm) ($12)”,
“ID”: “0xc”,
“Value”: 0.0020000000949949026
“Desc”: “Report inches ($13)”,
“ID”: “0xd”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Soft limits ($20)”,
“ID”: “0x14”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Hard limits ($21)”,
“ID”: “0x15”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Homing cycle ($22)”,
“ID”: “0x16”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Homing feed rate (slow) (mm/min) ($24)”,
“ID”: “0x18”,
“Value”: 25
“Desc”: “Homing seek rate (fast) (mm/min) ($25)”,
“ID”: “0x19”,
“Value”: 500
“Desc”: “Homing debounce (ms) ($26)”,
“ID”: “0x1a”,
“Value”: 250
“Desc”: “Homing pull-off (mm) ($27)”,
“ID”: “0x1b”,
“Value”: 1
“Desc”: “Max spindle speed (RPM), S-Value max ($30)”,
“ID”: “0x1e”,
“Value”: 255
“Desc”: “Min spindle speed (RPM), S-Value min ($31)”,
“ID”: “0x1f”,
“Value”: 0
“Desc”: “Laser mode enable ($32)”,
“ID”: “0x20”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Step pulse (microseconds) ($0)”,
“ID”: “0x0”,
“Value”: 10
“Desc”: “Step idle delay (ms) ($1)”,
“ID”: “0x1”,
“Value”: 25
“Desc”: “Step enable invert ($4)”,
“ID”: “0x4”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Limit pins invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x5”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Probe pin invert ($6)”,
“ID”: “0x6”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20000”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30000”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “X Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170000”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “X Steps per mm ($100)”,
“ID”: “0x64”,
“Value”: 80
“Desc”: “X Max rate (mm/min) ($110)”,
“ID”: “0x6e”,
“Value”: 5000
“Desc”: “X Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($120)”,
“ID”: “0x78”,
“Value”: 800
“Desc”: “X Max travel (mm) ($130)”,
“ID”: “0x82”,
“Value”: 170
“Desc”: “Y Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Y Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Y Steps per mm ($101)”,
“ID”: “0x65”,
“Value”: 80
“Desc”: “Y Max rate (mm/min) ($111)”,
“ID”: “0x6f”,
“Value”: 5000
“Desc”: “Y Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($121)”,
“ID”: “0x79”,
“Value”: 800
“Desc”: “Y Max travel (mm) ($131)”,
“ID”: “0x83”,
“Value”: 170
“Desc”: “Z Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20002”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Z Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30002”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Z Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170002”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Z Steps per mm ($102)”,
“ID”: “0x66”,
“Value”: 80
“Desc”: “Z Max rate (mm/min) ($112)”,
“ID”: “0x70”,
“Value”: 5000
“Desc”: “Z Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($122)”,
“ID”: “0x7a”,
“Value”: 5000
“Desc”: “Z Max travel (mm) ($132)”,
“ID”: “0x84”,
“Value”: 500
“Desc”: “A Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “A Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “A Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170003”,
“Value”: true

I believe 0,170 is the correct position post homing. Your machine origin I believe is bottom-left. Since your machine is homing to the top-left that would make your resting position post homing to 0,170.

There may be a different cause to this.

Are you using Absolute Coords? Is it possible that your overscan is putting you past the limits of your laser?

I am using Current Position

Current position could make it very easy to request an operation outside of your dimensions.

What are you trying to do when you run into this?

Can you include a full screenshot of LightBurn and what is the position of the laser when you do this?

Here full Screenshot. Current Position make possible to work very easy.
My problem is Why i am getting 0,170 after i say go Home with Home symbol.

I explained this in my first reply. 0,170 should be correct for post-home location for your laser.

However, it appears your machine origin is setup incorrectly. Go to Device Settings and set your Origin to lower-left dot. That should place 0,0 on the lower-left corner of the workspace.

here a example
if i click down arrow and check again it says 0,175

That’s a problem. I’m surprised it’s not currently trying to hit the top frame when you do that.

But first start by correcting Origin as indicated in my last post. This may address the issue.

I get it now almost right with your directions.
first Device settings Lower-left

But then i have change my Y directions (i need to some restart and to much trouble with this) but it works now
i have changed Machine Settings
it was Ystep $2=True, $3=False,$23=True

Now i have problem with Homing :frowning:
It’s going to lower-left if i click on Home
and this is very bad because i don’t know how to stop that operation so cut the power and put laser right position with hand. Is there any command to cut “Home” operation?
Also i have still - if i click down arrow

Did you change this earlier? If not, then you shouldn’t need to do this as the original defaults should be correct.

In either case, you should not need to change $2. Leave that how it was.

This is because you inverted Y homing ($23). Put it back.

Better to just cut power.

If you have never changed the original machine settings, put everything back to original state.

Then home. After homing, use jogging arrows… does up go up, down go down, etc?

What specific thing is not working? Note any discrepancy from expectation.

Also, can you run this in Console after homing and return results:


Yes i have change X and Y directions at the begining.
now i put y directions so
Now home works!
only thing now behavior of Y
If i connect new then Get position 0,0, after homing then Get position 0,170
Looks like i am back where i begin.
After first connection or homing
when i click down Y decrease just like if it 0 than -5 and if it 170 than 165


Here results:



Target buffer size found








































G-code words consist of a letter and a value. Letter was not found.




I’m not sure how to be more clear. After homing it should be 0,170 since you are homing to top left. However, your origin is bottom left. That is where 0,0 will be. So bottom left is 0,0… top-left (your home) is 0,170.

This is what you should expect.

Was this the result right after homing? MPos should have been 0,170…

Can you test your laser for other functionality?

I think you don’t understand what i mean.
My i actual problem as i try to write in my first post.
It WAS after homing or first start (it not changed after homing) 0,0 and it increase with Down and Right Arrow but now some how something changed. I am not changing my settings at al.

Because it’s not working this way anymore, i have problem with my Saved Positions
See this SS location "nametag center X: 25.50 Y:8.00 was my old Saved Position

in this “new” situation 0,170 it is impossible for me.
I am working always in Red area and never in green area

I did understand this to be the stated problem. However, this is not the intended behavior of your laser. If it worked this way then there must have been some other factor in play for example: homing wasn’t initiated, different firmware revision, offset configured specifically to allow for this. Something in one of those or possibly something else must have changed for this behavior to now be different.

Having said that, how important is it to you that you want to work in this non-standard way? It’s achievable but you’ll be swimming up stream for any upgrades or any existing documentation.

Is there a specific complication that would prevent working in the green area? This is actually quite typical.

The question now then is which direction do you want to go and what might have been changed that caused the behavior to change. It would be preferable to recreate the behavior in the same way as you had it before in case there were other things depending on it.

Can you provide some history on this laser? How was it first setup this way? And can you think of any possible change that would have resulted in a behavior change? Have you recently used any other software package to interact with the laser?

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