Getting Business Cards Dialled in with JPT 60 watt MOPA

Getting Business Cards Dialled in with JPT 60 watt MOPA
0.5 mm Black satin Business cards
Stucki Dither 520 DPI
0.025 Dot correction


That’s pretty incredible…

P.S. thanks for the included values.


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Thank you
Nicky Norton is old
BUT still a few tricks

I could never seem to get to your original goal… you keep moving it further away from me … old or not it’s great … :grimacing:


All amazing, great job and like @jkwilborn said, thanks! I just received my 60W JPT MOPA yesterday so I will start with your settings. Thank you! Congrats, they really are amazing.


About all that needs to be said here :smiley:

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Nicky, I can only say one thing about your “playing around”, as I call it. “Dang, you are good !!!”.

Thank you …

I’ve been staring at the jarvis/stucki dither examples.

The shadow of the hat is really needed as part of the photo, but it’s almost eliminated with Stucki… I like the range of the Stucki better, but I think the shadow is an important part of the photo…

What is your feeling on this difference?


Its really a deep Rabbit hole
I,ve found that it ALL depends on photo and how it was processed
95% of time I run through Gigapixel first
I,ve also found IMO that the DPI I choose to dither in
The photo I use has 2X that dpi
So if I use stucki at 508 DPI …I insure photo is 1000 DPI