I’m a new user of LightBurn, and I am working on engraving some novelty coins on a 30W fiber laser. My issue is that there appears to be some kind of artifact on the lower ~80% of the engraved test object. I am not sure what the name of this artifact is, so I am having trouble figuring out what the right search term would be if someone has had this issue before. Since this artifact looks a bit like stippling, I will call it that.
At first, I thought this was an issue with my laser setup, but I have narrowed this down to the way that LightBurn is turning a depth-mapped STL PNG into a tool path, because this same artifact shows up in the LightBurn preview!
I tried out flattening the mask, but this also doesn’t change my preview.
is there some reason you want the white boarder? I shrank it down to ~34.6mm.
The engraving area on my coin blanks is about 37.55mm. I set up the mask to be a bit smaller to be sure I clip out all the black areas at the corners, since a small sliver of those got into my test piece and ate up a ton of engraving time.
I don’t run with a 90 scan angle, what is this for?
From my understanding, the recommendation there is to run 25 passes at 90, another 25 at 180, and five finishing passes at 315. I am not sure exactly how these parameters were created, but the scan angle doesn’t appear to affect this artifact either.
What version are you running?
This is what the ‘about’ menu shows:
LightBurn 1.4.04, built Wed 2023-08-02 @ 12:08
If you are running an older version, can you let me know which one it is? I can also try that one out.
I’m running one of the public beta LightBurn 1.5.00 built in October.
If you’re going to use 3dslice you should probably do it like they recommend.
In your case I wouldn’t use 3dslice as there is really no depth here…
Trace it and use the results to burn what you want to get rid of… Then you can use the cleanup passes.
Both of these were 3dsliced, but the left one could have been done with just the trace option… there was no advantage to slicing it. You can see the advantage with a 3d grayscale on the leaf.
Thanks, I haven’t tried the tracing method before, so I’ll give tracing a try tomorrow.
I don’t see a 1.5.0 beta in the link you provided. It looks like they are all 1.4.04. Perhaps this beta was removed. I will also try installing on another OS and see if the slicing method has the same issue there.
I installed Lightburn on my Windows desktop and repeated my process from the original post from scratch. This time, the preview did not contain the stippling artifact. However, when I opened the original file, the artifact was there. Perhaps this is a mac-specific bug? Any ideas on how I could test this further?