Ghost lines only on custom work

Machine cuts pre built files from Etsy perfect. However custom made files are not working. It’s driving me nuts. Offset seems correct (a small wobble due to not changing laser speed I believe around corners)

I believe these are ghost lines but don’t know how to get them to stop. It’s been 4 months and I’m ready to give up tbh lol.

I make files in light burn and save to a USB
Then take USB to controller upload and then cut.
When I save custom jobs they are almost like not saving correctly. When you close and reopen those dang double lines are there I believe this is a software issue.
I have even tried u installing and reinstalling softwhere.

I never have use laptop directly to machine.

Just making sure I include all info from past discussions.

I’m otw to store after posting to buy cord and hope it’s a transfer issue.

Would you be able to share your LBRN file

I think you have either duplicated objects or a 2nd task/job on the layer that is making your job to slip position.

Yes I am away from home currently getting a data cable for direct to machine but will upload when back later tonight. I’m currently using just an octogan with the 1x1 in it. Was trying to test.

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