Gravure sur métal

Bonjour à tous.
Je viens d’acquérir une Atomstack A20 pro et je voulais savoir si parmi vous il y avait un utilisateur de cette machine, En particulier une personne qui l’aurait déjà utilisé sur du metal afin d’obtenir des infos concernant la focale, Vitesse/Puissance sur du cuivre et laiton.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Bonne soirée

Sorry to give you the bad news, but that is a visible light laser. Other than marking stainless steel, it will not mark any metals.

You need either the IR head or a much more expensive galvo laser.

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Thanks for your answer.
Impossible even if i spray paint like tempera on the metal ?

Not enough heat will transfer to the metal. The paint will simply burn off. In fact, it is the heat conductivy of the metal that is the problem.

That said, I did manage to mark aluminum dog tags using the expensive Cermark spray. The spray has to retain heat enough to fuse the coating to the metal. Tempera (acrylic) cannot do this. I have not tried Cermark on other metals like copper.

Stainless can be marked because it is a very poor conductor of heat. What you are doing is spot anodizing (color changing by heat) the stainless.