2.5w diode laser module
Sainsmart controller grbl1.1f
When I try to do grayscale the whole thing engraves black.
I cant see any difference in power until I get down to around 1%.
the laser turns on and off as it should with line and fill.
I have tried different values in fill and they all appear the same dark color.
Ok, I just noticed that in the preview the laser seems to be on the whole time by the black lines as compared to the red. That does not look right to me.
Click the ‘Shade according to power’ toggle in the preview to see the shading when using grayscale. The image you’re showing here would likely look better using ‘Threshold’ mode though, as there’s very little shading in it.
Sorry, that was not a very good example. I was curious why the lines were all black but I changed the preview settings. My main problem was that I don’t see any power changes.
I tried the power scale test with 10 squares and they all came out the same.