Additionally, the circles are not so perfect. It is a GRBL-based machine (Vevor CNC 3018 PRO). I have checked the frame and step motors many times, and everything looks good. Does anybody suspect where would be a problem?
This is likely due to variable power cutting out too much during acceleration/deceleration.
Try these:
Slowing speed. You may be moving too quickly for your machine.
Increasing power. Increasing a little may be just enough to resolve this.
Enable Constant Power Mode in Cut setting. This is a brute-force method as it will use the same power irrespective of acceleration/deceleration and can result in overburning. If this doesn’t resolve the issue then the fundamental problem is elsewhere
It’s also possible this is a hardware issue with the laser module. Or your laser module has problems creating a laser at low power.
Thank you for your reply. It is good with higher power. But I don’t understand this situation; it worked yesterday with the lower… However, I still have some issues with small circles—still deformed, but not all. A square or triangle looks good.
What part is unclear? If it’s working with large circles but not small circles then this pretty much proves that it’s due to issues with variable power management.
Was it with the exact same design and material or a different design and material? If the same then it’s either failing hardware or slightly erratic performance at the bottom end of power which isn’t unusual.
Slowing down or raising power is the normal answer in this scenario. You could attempt to work around the variable power issue by increasing your acceleration settings in firmware but only if your equipment could handle it. Typically those settings are done conservatively for the hardware it was designed for.