White washed maple
2.5 watt Eleksmaker
Resized and converted to B/W in Paintshop Pro
LightBurn Photo enhanced
1200 mm/min @40% power 363 DPI
88 miniutes
White washed maple
2.5 watt Eleksmaker
Resized and converted to B/W in Paintshop Pro
LightBurn Photo enhanced
1200 mm/min @40% power 363 DPI
88 miniutes
That looks great is there any way you would be willing to share your file i’m trying to learn how to get better results
no longer have that one …try this lbn file
jason 2.lbrn (302.6 KB)
with the lightburn file you MUST use “passthrough”…it is set for a 100 x 100 tile
Thank you this will help so much