Bugs are generally submitted by email or here, and we do take them seriously.
For the UI scaling issue, that’s a result of the cross-platform framework LightBurn is built on, and we don’t have direct control over that code. There’s an easy fix though - follow the steps on this post: Device Settings dialog messed up in 1.1.01 - #3 by LightBurn
Text settings for the material test work as expected for me. What kind of controller are you using? (your profile lists “123” which tells me nothing). If you click the blue ‘Edit Text Setting’ button in the Material Test window and change that to Fill, that doesn’t work?
Finally, you might be familiar with the phrase “you catch more flies with honey”. Your tone needs work. I’m happy to engage with you about shortcomings in the software, but I’ll expect you to at least try to be civil.