Guide lines cause my Roly to slam into the stops

Why do guide lines cause my Roly to slam into stops. The guide lines don’t print, so they shouldn’t make the laser include them when doing a frame. If there are any guide lines on my screen, clicking frame will cause the laser to slam into one of the stops depending on where I start the origin. This has happened so many times I’m afraid something will break.

I imagine you’re using User Origin or Current Position. Click Cut Selected Graphics AND Use Selection Origin.

The Guide lines and any thing else on your screen cause the origin point to move, even if they are not visible on screen.

What exact machine is it ?

Likely you need to either use absolute coordinates or enable soft limits.

That all depends on if the machine has limit switches.

If you are using a user origin then the machine has no idea where the end stops are… you need to position your work so that it does not send the machine into the rails.