Gweike Cloud Pro II misbehaving after adding Thunder Bolt to Lightburn

Hello. I’ve been using Lightburn to control my Gweike Cloud Pro II for almost a year. For the most part, it has worked very well, but yesterday I added a Thunder Bolt to my setup and now the Gweike acts like it’s gone crazy. Is it possible that the machine profiles aren’t separated completely, so when I switch to the Gweike device some of the Bolt’s settings are still in place?

Here are some of the Gweike’s odd new behaviors:

• When framing, it has stopped recognizing when the artwork has moved to a new position. It just keeps framing in the same spot.
• Thinks the bed size is smaller than it actually is, even though it’s listed correctly in device settings.
• Does not correctly identify object locations. It’s off by almost 2” on the x-axis; I didn’t measure the y-axis.
• Randomly stops homing or homes to the opposite side, even after homing correctly after a prior cut.
• Randomly frames vertical lines diagonally, even after framing correctly at least once.

When I reboot my laptop and my laser, everything works fine for one job. If I have to restart a job or add a second pass to a line that didn’t cut all the way through, or cut a different job, the Gweike gets confused again.

Note: I control Gweike jobs with LB’s start button, which the Bolt doesn’t use. I wasn’t sure if that could be a point of conflict, but I thought I’d mention it in case.

Is this something you all can help me fix? My shops are all shut down until this is resolved because my Bolt can’t cut ¼” material, so it’s critical that I get the Gweike up and running again as soon as possible.

Thank you immensely for any help getting this resolved!

When you create a device in Lightburn, all of that information is associated with that device… That’s why you have to create a unique device configuration for different machines.

I have ssl, co2 and a dsp, never had any issues like you describe.

If you created it, then there should be no effect between devices. I’d suggest connecting to the device before you open a file for it…

Don’t know much about the Gweike, maybe @BillieRuben has something that might help you sort this out.

I’m surprised the rf machine won’t cut your material… both are about the same wattage…?


The glass tube laser is 50w, the rf is 30w. The rf does do a much better job of cutting 1/8" wood, but there’s not much difference on acrylic. I’m going to try 1/4" solid walnut later today. Hoping it will do better on solid material with no glue (fingers crossed).

You’re not kidding about connecting the device before opening a file! The first time I switched devices with a file open, everything on my art board flipped upside down and mirrored, and the laser head tried to home to the bottom right (neither of my lasers homes there).

As for creating the device configuration, it was all done by USB. I didn’t jot down any of the Gweike settings before installing the Bolt (in retrospect, that was stupid), so I don’t know exactly what changed. I guess I’ll need to research the recommended Gweike settings next, and comb the differences.

Thanks for your help. I’ll keep an eye open for a response from @BillieRuben.

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The device setting really tells Lightburn about the device it’s attempting to converse with… It doesn’t load anything onto the device unless you ask it too.

If the machines have different origins or homes, then the operating quadrant has changed an the image will be flipped.

I can’t see how the problem you have is related to the device addition…

Hang in there :+1:


So, it was definitely user error—I thought the two profiles were completely separate but they are not. There are two settings that affect both machines but do not revert when changing profiles: “Start from absolute coordinates” and “Use selection origin”. Both of these were flipped on for the Bolt, but neither works for the Gweike. Once I figured that out, I had two working machines again.

Thanks to those who chimed in. I appreciate the support!

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These are user options not device dependent setting and I wouldn’t expect them to be saved with the device data. These are not in the Device Settings for it’s configuration, but are in the operators laser window.

The Gweike requires a machine console for a person to set a user origin. The lack of a console make this not an option with the Gweike.

It has to address the work area somehow or it wouldn’t work at all…

I know people have had success with a start from value of either absolute coordinates or current location.

Anyway, glad you figured it out…

Have fun


Glad you worked it out!

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