Gweike G2 - BSL - Frequency issue?

Using my GWeike G2 (BSLFiber) the frequency doesn’t seem to have any effect at all. I’ve noticed this since at least Beta 15. The same settings in Gweike’s GLaser software work fine though. (Not sure what frequency lightburn ends up using here… my guess is maybe 30khz)

Here’s an example at 6000mm/s - 100% - 0.2 line interval (high speed and interval to accentuate the dots for the frequency). Lightburn at 20khz and 60khz vs. GLaser at 20khz and 60khz.


Thank you Jeremy - Split into its own thread so it does not get lost in the thread.

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My G2 Pro arrived today - thanks for finding this issue.

So we can validate we are all testing the same

could I ask please

a) LBRN2 file for the test above
b) Devices > select your G2 > Export profile please
c) Screenshots of Edit > Device settings (all 3 tabs)

See attached files (I’ll have to split it into several posts since I can only include 2 per post)
GWeike G2 70mm.lbdev (25.9 KB)
GWeike G2 110mm.lbdev (6.5 KB)
. I have a device set up for both 70mm and 110mm lenses and since it happens with both, I included both profiles just in case. Just for reference, the pics I snapped up above were with the 70mm lens (not that I think it matters, but just in case).

Although, that does remind me that the 9 point calibration for the 70mm lens is quite broken. The size is too large and the calculations are all off IIRC. I think that is a known issue though. I didn’t check with the 110mm lens since I just imported it w/ the glaser config that came with it.

LBRN2 file and screenshots (all 3 combined)

Galvo Freq.lbrn2 (3.9 KB)

Thank you Jeremy.
I was able to replicate it on my G2 Pro here using a 150mm lens.
Could you also share the Glaser project file please?

This is fixed and will be in the next RC update. Thank you for reporting this!

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Awesome! Thanks for getting it fixed so fast.

This will be in LightBurn-v1.7.00-RC-6 which is building right now.


So I downloaded RC-6 and it looks to be fixed!

I did notice one oddity that in the grand scheme of things is probably super minor, but I figured I’d bring it up. I doubt many people would even notice. Maybe because I’m a programmer and I’m attuned to oddities like this.

If you look at the attached png, this is using the exact same LBRN2 file from above. The bottom square is 60kHz and the top square is 20kHz. You can see the last 12-14 dots on the top row of the bottom square transition to 20khz.

I repeated it several times and it was the same pattern every time. I tried adjusting timings as well as adding Pause Before/Pause After values of 500ms which didn’t seem to affect it.


I also tested it in glaser, it didn’t exhibit the problem.

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Thank you for reporting this Jeremy.

@Onibait Could you please share the Glaser project file to test, when I’m at my G2 again?

Thank you for the clean pictures and reporting this. Much appreciated!

What are your timing settings in each application?

Sure – here’s the Glaser file (you’ll need to rename it to .orzx)
Galvo Freq.txt (136.3 KB)

Timings in each are as follows:

Jump Speed 4000
Min Jump Delay 25
Max Jump Delay 100
Jump Distance 10
Laser On TC -200
Laser Off TC 110
End 100
Polygon 0
Jump Speed 4000
Min Jump 25
Max Jump 100
Jump Distance 10
Opening Delay -200
Off Delay 110
End Delay 100
Corner Delay 0

[On these, the documentation says: “Jump delay = jump position delay + jump distance × jump distance delay” but then it also has a min/max jump and jump distance like LightBurn has, so not sure how that figures in here]

Jump Position 500us
Jump Distance 100us/mm

[I don’t know what these do exactly and the GLaser/SeaCAD documentation doesn’t say]

Mark Step 0.02mm
Inter-Step Delay 100us

Thank you for the file and the settings Jeremy.

I ran your lbrn2 file on my G2 Pro here. Same as you, at 20 vs 60kHz. First with the default timing settings from the config file:

Lightburn left, Glaser right:

And LightBurn with the same timing settings you are using:

All on the RC-7 but RC-8 just got out mentioning an update to the BSL libs, so it might change again.