Hard reset of Lightburn 1.7.03

Sculpfun S9; Fireburn 1.7.03 Windows 10.
New user since a few weeks. Everything worked fine but at the moment there a problems. Uninstalled Fireburn and reinstalled but that made no improvements. So now I want to start with a clean Fireburn and start from scratch again. So my question: How to achieve a hard reset of the software?

Not sure how it works in Fireburn :wink: , but in LightBurn you have to search the directory your preferences are saved.

Thank you, that was very helpful. Could start from a backup. But after some time the old problem came back. The head stopped at the same place as before. Looks like the Sculpfun S9 is unaware of the extended room. What now?

Is is Lightburn, ofcourse, Only checking if someone would notice it.

Did you tell it there is extended room? Both in Lightburn and the firmware of the machine?

FireBurn is informed.
But I donā€™t know how the firmware of Sculpfun S9 can be changed.
Will go in that direction.
Thank you for your time.

That is not where you set it. Thatā€™s your design size. You set your working area in Device settings.

Found that. The image is within the settings of the device.
Tried numerous times with small changes. Nothing works. The strange thing is that it worked a week ago. And also strange is that the device stops where it could expect the old height before the extension was attached.
Next step will be to contact the manufacturer.

You need to change the machine settings (firmware) not the device settings in LB.
It is stated in the official tutorial and also here:

Finally the solution!! Not by changing anything on the firmware but by Lightburn 1.7.03
ā€˜Machine Settingsā€™ / ā€˜Output Setupā€™ Y Max travel (mm) changed from 400 to 950.
Am a happy person. Thank you everyone who was helpful!!

Just for clarification: That actually is changing the firmware settings. You are using the GUI of the LB software to change the firmware settings of the laser firmware. Itā€™s all explained in the article above.

Thank you for the clarification and the reference to the right place. Still have a lot to learn in this new area for me. Feel like an insect that keeps bumping hard into the light bulb. Am relieved that now everything is working properly. On to the next bottlenek.

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