Having an issue trying to engrave an image

I have a LaserMaster 2 pro and am trying to engrave a photo on a ceramic tile using the NORTON method. The problem I am having is when I import an image either from a photo or if it is processed through image-r or other similar program, the photo looks fine, however when I preview, the photo has a redish tint over the entire thing and you can barely see the image itself. I have played around with all the settings I can think of, but this is still happening. If I try to engrave the image, it comes out completely black. Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can try and engrave photos please?
Image as seen in LightBurn
dog image
image as seen in preview
preview image

hope the images uploaded…

I think the red you are seeing is from the option “Show Traversal Moves” in Preview. It’s showing you the path of the laser when not actively burning. Disable it if you don’t want to see this.

If I disable “Show Traversal Moves” it shows just a black image

Zoom in. :slight_smile: The ‘Preview’ shows the laser output, which can be quite complex. At the zoom level you show above, it is so dense, the preview is very dark. If you zoom in, you will see every mark the laser will make, in detail.

Zoom in, and you will see your image.

(Click the images below for larger view)

I used your image posted above, including your cursor. :wink:

Preview zoomed in to show the cursor and the dog eye below.

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