I’m running an omtech red and black 80 watt 500x700mm cutting area. The camera is the 150mm and I have it 26.5 inches above the cutting bed. I hot glued it into a 3d printed base so it doesn’t move. I’ve gotten through calibration twice and both times it ends up being a few inches off. The camera is extremely blurry which made calibration difficult and clicking the middle of the targets difficult. I made sure to check if there was a protective film on the lens and there wasn’t. I’ve twisted the lens to get it in focus and the image below is the best I’ve gotten. To see the top circles I have to shut off my laser. I’ve read through the forums and am hitting a wall so I figured I’d ask for any advice here. Thanks
Hey Bryan!
What type of camera is it? I’d say 150mm is a bit wide for that size of bed. My bed is 1600 x 900 and I use a 120mm lens and it covers the bed well. As for the blurriness, the only thing I could think of was that maybe its a software based focus camera?
It’s a light burn camera. I was worried it might be the lens size being too wide
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