When using flood fill on a ring shape, the laser will only fire while the head is moving upwards. Is it possible to have the laser move the full circle without moving from the top to the bottom halfway through the job? I’m aware I can use an out-of-focus beam and the line function to do this quickly but this doesn’t get the depth and consistency I need.
Is this a vector drawing or image?
I don’t think I totally follow you, but it would help me and the others if you drop your .lbrn2 file here for us to look at. Some of the other settings may have an effect on this…
The image is actually like this and is a vector, just a donut shape (not a single line). You can see the time bar is only three quarters full on the simulation window.
It engraves part of the bottom, then goes along the right hand side, and once it’s done some of the top it moves to the bottom and starts engraving the left half. What I’m wondering is if there’s a setting that will engrave the left half of the circle by going top-to-bottom.
It’s rather petty but if I’m doing hundreds or even thousands of such a design those saved seconds add up.
It might help us if you clued us into what you are up to and why this specific method bennifits you.
Have you looked here?
Enclosed circle.lbrn2 (21.6 KB)
It’s literally just an enclosed circle I’m using as an example. I regularly deal with things measured in hundreds or even thousands, and even a few seconds off the time of any engraving can translate into hours of saved time. To be clear, the circle is just being presented as an example of what I want to accomplish.
Basically it does the top image, but I want to know if it can do the bottom instead. The fuchsia represents the parts engraved before it returns to the bottom and does the rest.
Not an option on my machine.
I tried this but it leaves a very noticeable line in the centre of the ring which is not ideal. Seems this is just inherent to the mode: https://lightburnsoftware.github.io/NewDocs/CutSettings-OffsetFill.html
Looking at your file, I see you have ‘Flood Fill’ enabled (On=green) on the ‘Advanced’ tab, and you should turn that Off (red).
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