Help! Can't figure out how to join point/nodes

I want to burn this into wood.

The big R is just some text and I want filled and “behind” the “lines” and “Rea”. I tried breaking apart the “R” hoping there was a way to create a path to join the broken parts, but to no avail. I have also tried converting the “R” to paths and adding some nodes, but can’t seem to make that work as it changes the shape of the “R” all together.

Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to join these points and make the edited “R” fill?

Thanks in advance!

Backing up a little, this tutorial is likely closer to what you’re trying to do, and should help you with the tools needed to do what you’re attempting:

The simplest way to remove the middle section of the big R is just to draw a rectangle over it, then select the R, then the rectangle, then click ‘Boolean Difference’, like this:


Otherwise, use the Line tool to create a line between two existing points on your shape, like this:

Click the line tool, then move over the first point. When the cursor changes to a crosshair, start the line:

Then drag until it snaps to the other line you want, and click to place the next point:

Then right-click, or Esc to stop drawing new lines. Do that for the other gaps, then select your original shapes, and make sure they are not in a group (press Ctrl+U to ungroup if needed). Then add your new lines to the selection as well, so you have all selected, and use Edit > Auto Join selected shapes to connect all the pieces together.

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Oz, thanks so much. That worked. I did try your first method last nigh and again just now and was unsuccessful. Guess it doesn’t matter since your second option worked. Thanks again. I really appreciate it. Have an amazing day!

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