HELP! Falcon 22W and Canvas

I need your help this morning, i’m sure its something with my way to handle the artwork in lightburn, my speed/power are from 6000/26 to 6000/35 in Jarvis and I have a Falcon 2 22W. My canvas was painted 2 coats of black and 2 coats of white. see my capture screen of lightburn, I hope someone can help

I don’t understand what is the problem…
The image you want is the print but what you get is the last image?

The second image is what I will like to print and the last image is the result, not very good

On a two-layer canvas where black is on top of white, when i want to obtain white i have to burn the black. When Lightburn sees white, it doesn’t realize (yet :grin:) that we intend to burn instead of reducing or turning off the laser.
To solve this issue I simply turn the image into a negative. To do this, use the “Invert Display” function.

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