Hi there, i just bought the SCULPFUN S30 Pro Max with extension recently, and im having issues with one thing, at the edges of my pieces, i start having weird lines, i tried multiple things to fix it like changing overscanning to 40% or 30% instead of 2.5%, also tried lowering or speeding up the speed or machine power and it didn’t benefit me at all, also tried “enabling scanning offset adjustment” and i tried 0.15 0.18 0.20 and nothing worked, keep in mind im engraving on 4mm mirrors, and it doesn’t matter what i try to engrave the same thing happens, i run my machine at 6000 speed and 90% power, i used to run it at 1400 or 1700 and 70% and it gives me the same results so im using 6000 speed now, im sorry for not
Did you install the extension already? I highly recommend starting with the small area first, the extension kit introduces many new mechanical challenges.
Yes i did, i have been using it for 22 days I started right away with the extension, for some reason my machine doesn’t work with offset fill it starts giving me engraving everywhere, and when i do normal filling it gives me the lines at the edges, and yesterday while engraving a piece with normal fill, the machine ruined it and started going waaayyy past my piece with random and straight lines
Sorry for the late response, so basically i tried making this twice, once yesterday and once the day before it, here is what i was making and here is what i got
Keep in mind I changed the machine from going left to right when filling to 90 degrees so it can avoid getting lines at the edges like I mentioned before ( bad example ( sailor moon ) is from left to right, and the other one the machine is going 90 degrees)
I messaged sculpfun support and they said they are sending me a new motherboard but as you can see the good example is a pretty large picture, and the one that kept getting ruined is also a large picture, and one more thing, yesterday when the engraving got ruined, the machine set up a new working area space by itself and this never happened before, what i mean by that, the origin is out of my work area, the work area is waay smaller, i have no idea what is going on its super frustrating
This one is really strange. It looks like it’s mostly ‘too fast’ (or too much acceleration) but that doesn’t explain the successful part.
Turning an image 90 degrees has a couple of interesting effects. On most laser engravers, the Y-Axis hardware (the whole gantry) is heavier, so accelerations are lower and/or an additional Y-Axis motor is added to move the larger mass, either way the Y-Axis often misbehaves differently.
We’ll generate a Machine Settings report and have a look to see if your speed and power settings align with what the manufacturer has set. It’s good to be well below the limits in the Machine Settings.
Sailor Moon actually looks really good. A small line interval adjustment may be all that is needed here. Focus is perfect, the power setting looks good and the outer edge looks good.
It’s possible that they know something that we don’t and that they got a bad batch that’s sensitive to outside noise or something.
To look at the Speed and Acceleration Limits in the Sculpfun, Open the Console window in LightBurn and enter the following:
then press Enter.
Please scroll back in the Console window and select the text with the report and paste it into a reply here. It’s very helpful to also capture the message that your engraver sends to LightBurn when it first connects. It may even tell us the Model Name, Firmware version number and the date the firmware was released.
i still dont know the issue but i returned the machine to left to right and its working great now for some reason
the interval i have is 0.9 and it still shows small lines on my latest projects but i just gave up and figured there is no fixing it haha
they arent helping that much, the machine suddenly stopped engraving and they couldnt help and my dad suggested cleaning the lens and after cleaning it it started working even though i video called them and everything and they couldnt help but hey as long as the machine is back working im fine with it
sure thing thank you i saw similar reply on someone else post and i really wanted someone to check my settings so i can be sure everything is good so thank you again!
Waiting for connection…
I would decrease the acceleration very slightly along the Y-Axis.
I would also decrease power output to increase the lifespan of your laser Engraver.
I would also come off of the maximum speed as being on the value can generate weirdness.
In the Console window in LightBurn please type the following:
$121 = 900
then press Enter.
I would be inclined (as a guess) to try 75% of the power and 75% of the speed.
4500 mm/min and 75% power in the Cuts / Layers window.
If the dot is smaller than LightBurn thinks it is, you can develop unengraved parts between lines.
Please retest with Sailor Moon. I’d like to see if this resolves the unwanted behavior.
The typical line interval of a Pro Max module is around 0.12mm. So much smaller. Try this again. There is also a line interval test integrated in LightBurn which you can use to determine your specific value. Try values from 0.1 to 0.2 as a start.