Help needed with downloading new art libraries on a Apple computer

I am trying to upload a couple art libraries from the La Hobby guy but having issues doing it with my Mac. I am running 16 point something the latest update when I go to load the library it’s not showing. Anyone know how to save these so they will load?

I have tried download and save I’ve also tried saving to a destination on my desktop but when I go to open them and light burner, they’re not there.

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If these are art library files then you need to “Load” the files from the art library.

Open the Art Library using the Window menu. Then press Load button and navigate to the art library file and then open.

More information about how this works here:
Art Library - LightBurn Software Documentation

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So my problem is getting them to save in my folder on my desktop. Then I open light burn to load them. It’s not showing that they’re available. Can I need help with how to save the library to my desktop?

Are they in some sort of compressed file format like zip, lzh, etc.?
If so, you’ll need to extract them to a folder first.

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