Help - Unable to get lines and fill to match up - Laser Config

Hi folks, I really need some help troubleshooting a problem ive had for a while, Please see photos attached. Im unable to get lines and fill to match up. Im not really sure what settings I need to change. Here are my current settings for my 1300 x 900 laser. I replaced the controller it originally came with with a Ruida a while back, im not certain but this may have been when the issue started.

Laser Config.lbset (12.6 KB)

It looks like the Y axis is pretty close, but the X is slipping. Try dropping the X acceleration in the engraving parameters down to 3000 to see if it improves.

Thanks for the reply!

I tried reducing x engraving acceleration to 3000 , and then also to 2000 for x and from 700 to 500 for y and unfortunately it still seems to be off.

Oooh! Wait - That looks like something quite different now. Did this scan from the top of the image downward? It looks like you have the “PWM rising edge” issue, which isn’t acceleration at all. Read here: How do I fix skewed or slanted engraving?

That was it! I adjusted that setting for X and Y and it fixed the problem. Thankyou! This has been bugging me for ages!

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