Help understanding framing

Hello all,

Brand new to Lightburn, and I am in need of assistance with framing. I have and Xtool D1 10w laser. I have laid out a square with a dimension of 100mm sq. I have move the crosshair to the top left of my material and hit the frame button. Lightburn and the laser are communicating as the laser moves in a square pattern. The issue I am having is that the framing sequence frames a larger space than what I have drawn. Once the framing is done, the laser returns to the correct origin point. It’s most likely that I don’t understand how the offset of the crosshair works :rofl: Any help would be appreciated.

I have uploaded a video of what happens.

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Ooops, thought I had. It should be good now.

It’s impossible from the video alone to correlate the design to the movement shown in the video. I assume you mean to say that the Y movement is more than expected?

If not, please elaborate.

If so, check if the rotary has been enabled in LightBurn. If so, disable and retest.

I want the laser to stay with in the bounds of the 100x100 coaster. It cuts 99.87x and 99.88y which is accurate enough for me. The off set is -16mm for the crosshair. Do i need to place the crosshair 16mm away from the slate? I was under the assumption that I placed the crosshair on the surface of my material to set the origin, and that the software would take that into account when framing/engraving. I am trying to run a material test on the coaster, but a warning pops up that it will exceed the specified dimension.

No. The offset manages that adjustment for you.

Are you saying that it’s burning where you expect in that case?

Is it possible that you have something in the design that’s getting picked up for the framing that’s not accounted for in the 100x100 mm design?

Is it saying specified dimensions, or outside the bounds of the machine? I’ll assume the latter.

If that’s the case, it’s likely one of these conditions is not being met:

  1. You’re homing the laser before each session
  2. You avoid moving the laser module by hand after homing. You should use jogging controls exclusively.

I’m guessing the latter condition is not being met and you’re moving the head by hand. When you do this the controller no longer is able to track position. Avoid doing that.

I ran a 100x100 test cut on a piece of wood to make sure it was calibrated to rule out that out.

I have been moving it to the spot by hand, that may be it. Ill give that a try.

Can I move it to position while powered off, and then turn the laser on to set that as the position or will that induce errors too?

Where you start the machine will be assumed to be 0,0. If you start the machine anywhere other than top-left then 2 things will happen:

  1. The areas above and left of the starting position will be unaddressable
  2. The areas to the right and below the starting position between the physical boundaries and the machine and the logical size of your machine will be logically addressable but physically non-existent. You could easily command your laser to crash into the railing at bottom or right.

Going back to the originally stated problem for this Topic, it’s almost certain that you have something else on the workspace that’s being accounted for in the framing but is not otherwise burned.

Post the .lbrn file that you’re using if you want a review of that.

If you edit → select all or ^A, which selects all objects, then zoom to frame selection or it’s icon zoom-to-frame-selection, it will fit it into your edit window.

If it changes size then you have other objects or remnants in your artwork.


I added another video with the laser on while framing. I jogged the laser into position, and it helped with the Y axis, but the X axis still move too far positive.
100x100.lbrn2 (3.1 KB)

Size did not change with select all and framing.

I don’t see a problem with the .lbrn file.

Are you absolute certain the frame is different than the actual burn size?

Try this:

  1. Burn the job onto a piece of flat scrap
  2. Run the frame
  3. Does the frame match the already burned areas exactly?

Note that the jogging vs hand motion shouldn’t have affected the frame size at all. Only the out of bounds warning in this case.

This does not address your alignment issue but…

My method for aligning random things:

-tape some paper or cardboard down to the laser bed
-Draw a box the same size as your item and cut that out (or use the outside line of you project and center your engraving or test pattern)
-place your item to burn down in the cutout
-re focus the laser and burn your project

I have found this method to save time trying to align the material to the laser. As far as your framing issue I would still learn to frame and fix any issues you have there. It is good to know both ways.

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