Help with Backlash and Jagged / Serrated edges - Lightburn to AWC708s


Using Lightburn (0.9.20) on a 9 months old 60x40 Chinese cutter with Trocen AWC708s and 60W tube (even bigger PSU but I don’t run with more than 65% power)
The machine is decent and does my job with all the necessary functionality but after 9 months of usage with weekly or bi-weekly maintenance, some tiny bit of errors and issues that need a fix started to be happening.
I cut small objects from cardboard, paperwork, fabric, wood and acrylic.
I’m recently having trouble with, supposedly, a mechanical backlash with a 2cm wide shape on a 3x2 grid

In the first photo below, I have addressed / numbered 5 issues on the cut

Second photo is for the general view of the motors/belts and other elements

Also attached the Lightburn file untouched for the example in the photo below.

Re-checked mirrors 1-2-3 aligned fairly, lens fixed in place and clean
Loosened - retried the cut and Tightened the X and Y belts with various combinations - no luck
Checked for a missing teeth visually on the X, Y(L) and Y® belts - look okay

I’m not capable of identifying the problem further than that and after googling and watching videos with no solution I wanted to post on the forum.

Thank you very much in advance for all ideas and thoughts you may have for a possible identification / solution for me

forbacklash.lbrn (8.4 KB)

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