I need help with this image. I am engraving it onto glass and when I go to trace it I can only get a portion of the image. I have played with it for hours and with no luck. I have done other crest type traces with little issues, but this is kicking my butt, any inputs or thoughts would be appreciated.
Thy this file. I had to trace it with two different settings to get all the pieces, and then combine them together.
ANG Shield.lbrn2 (125.2 KB)
I have played a bit with your file and it seems that you yourself have achieved a very nice result with your 2 tracings. I also couldn’t trace the images in one go. It is the gray color that is difficult to convert, even if the entire image is converted to black and white.
But rather more trace laps and a good result than just one lap with bad results.
Oh man thank you so much, I was struggling with this. I really do appreciate it. Was it hard to combine the two separate tracings?
No, it’s usually not that complicated.
I like to use a few control points for alignment, which I have on all layers.
On the example here, which is also a bit complicated from the colors and contrasts, I have used 3 passes. The original is converted with 3 different settings and then traced with each its own settings.
On the other hand, this example is very easy to combine because there are so many points of similarity.
I have not been very careful with the result, it only shows my method, which is probably the same as yours.
Stive, sorry I mixed up the posts a bit, I was talking about your fine tracing job.
This one was pretty simple. I simply traced what I could get, then moved the image over to another area in the design space and re-traced it to get the other areas. Then, ungroup the vector lines so you can grab the pieces and drag them over to the other trace output. I just eyeballed their placement, as it was only two pieces that needed to be moved.
Thank you, it was very much appreciated. Taking what you said above and what you gave me to start with I was able to get this image. Once again I really appreciate it, thank you very much.
lantern HQ MASS ANG.lbrn2 (173.2 KB)