Helpe me identify this laser

Can anybody help me to identify this laser

It’s a big laser machine, about 1200mm/800mm and 1000mm high
It’s a picture with the air compressor assist .

That looks like a Trocen AWC708C controller or similar. Should be supported in LightBurn if that’s the case.

Maybe you can access the controller itself, usually is on a small metal door on 1 of each sides

Make sure its disconnected from power

if you see it, take a picture

That’s the only thing I have, two pictures. I don’t have access to the laser. It’s in someone’s storage a bit far from me. I need to go there to be able to see it properly

Thank you guys for your support. I’m really new in all this

Far from me to give much advice here as not a Co2 Expert.
A few cautionary words, assuming you are looking to buy it as 2nd hand

a) Tubes have shelf life, so even if machine is in storage it does not mean the tube is good
b) search online what a 40-60W Co2 with Ruida controller might set you back bought new
c) make sure you getting a Awesome deal - (if thats the case) - becuse odds are you will be spending some $ to get it back to working order

IF is not the case, ignore all of the above! :smiley:

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Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.

It looks a lot like a Leetro… You really need to get inside the machine and get a photo of the controller.

If it turns out to be a non Lightburn controller it may affect it’s value… assuming you want to use Lightburn.

Good luck
