Just updated Lightburn (not used it for months while moving from one location to another). The version I downloaded is 1.4.04 running on Mac Os Big Sur version 11.7.10. Homing is correct. Z direction is correct. Jogging in X or Y direction is wong. Both directions are opposite to the expected. I engraved a project and the laser worked fine. The image was upside down though. Any advice on a setting to change would be welcome. Thank you.
Your Origin setting in Edit->Device Settings is almost certainly incorrect. If both mirrored and flipped then put Origin to opposite corner. But more than likely your machine is intended to work in bottom-left origin.
Thanks for the prompt response. I will check it but the system has been working as is for several years, with Lightburn. My machine homes top right and always has done I guess because the firmware in the controller requires it. I will report back after making a few tests. Nothing has changed since I last used the machine, laser and Lightburn successfully.
To confirm, you’re using the Shapeoko in your profile or this is for a different laser?
Note that homing location and origin location are not necessarily the same. Typically Shapeoko machines have homing to top-right with a work offset applied to put origin at front-left.
I am using the Shapeoko SO3. The laser is the JTech 4.2W I have used since first using Lightburn. I cannot see what is causing the reverse motion on the jogging. Here are the device settings…
In Edit->Device Settings, change the Origin position to bottom-left dot.
OK, thank you. I will try that. I thought that setting as to replicate the Shapeoko’s home position.
Thank you. I misunderstood that setting and made it copy the home position of the SO3 which is hardwired into the GRBL control board. Thank you for putting me right.
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